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Free Friday Healing Calls

  • 2 Steps
  • 20 Participants



Fridays are for healings! If the idea of talking about energy and your chakras for an hour excites you… This call is all about meditations, energy healings, and also mind body spirit connection with some medical intuitive readings sprinkled in 😎 . . . It's going to be an amazing session. Good for finding physical solutions for all your health-related issues, emotional connection to the body, and guidance on how to live a more balanced life.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



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          Please remember: I deal in the spirit.
Please consult
your doctor for matters of the physical. 

Nothing contained in this website, my client calls, podcast, our social media accounts, group calls, or other affiliations is meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. It is not a substitute for the replacement of care from a licensed physician or therapist or medical advice. By using our website, services, products, and other materials on this website and social media accounts you agree to our terms and conditions listed in our FAQ

© 2019-2024 by Spirit Fluent LLC, & Girl Genuis Creative LLC

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