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Soul Align: Self Healing Techniques

Sun, Feb 05


Virtual Class

When we experience trauma, we often feel like we are missing pieces of ourselves. This class will help you repair your most vulnerable parts, rediscover your power and learn how to be fully present in your body and your life.

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Soul Align: Self Healing Techniques
Soul Align: Self Healing Techniques

Time & Location

Feb 05, 2023, 6:00 PM MST – Feb 06, 2023, 7:00 PM MST

Virtual Class


About the Event

Do you ever feel like your body is in fight or flight mode?

You know, when you're so stressed out that your heart is racing and you can't think straight and everything feels like a threat?

That's the kind of reaction that happens when your stress response system—the part of your brain that helps you deal with danger—is turned on. It's called fight or flight, and it's a great way to keep you safe from predators and other threats. But it's not always the best way for us to live our lives!

Learn a simple but powerful self-healing technique I call Soul Align.

 This technique helps you reconnect with your physical body and move out of stress response.

 This technique helps you reconnect with your physical and spiritual body, and it can help you release stress and create balance in your life. In this video, I’m going to walk you through basic Soul Align techniques.

Find a quiet place and come prepared to heal the past. This is a pay-what-you-like class, your contribution helps Stacee continue to offer free and low-cost classes and supports the growth of our website and Spirit Fluent community.  If you can't afford a payment, please don't let that stop you from coming!

Due to the intense nature of my healing sessions, it is recommended that you have the support of a mental health professional if you participate in this class. We will be releasing a lot of stored traumas and it's important that you feel safe and supported as we do so.

The class is not meant to diagnose, treat or prescribe, substitute, or replace any treatment for your mental health or physical health issues.

This event has a group. You’re welcome to join the group once you register for the event.


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          Please remember: I deal in the spirit.
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your doctor for matters of the physical. 

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