Welcome Home Spiritual Human
Oh my spiritual human, did you forget who you were?
Mingled in the stardust and sprinkled with the power of eternity, your soul is that of a powerful spiritual being. You're one of the most powerful entities ever to tread this earth. That's right, you, my dear spiritual human, were stronger than the rest, chosen for this particular point in time, which is one of the hardest existences to ever grace this planet. You, my wonderfully bewildering, spiritual human, have more strength in your pinky finger than most have in their whole existence.
I know it's hard, but guess what? There is nothing insurmountable for you, my spiritual human.
Welcome home, my dear spiritual human. I'm Stacee Magee, your resident weirdo, medical intuitive, and probably the most unexpected spiritual guide you'd think to look up… because, hey, I'm imperfect too! Healing is a lifelong process, kinda like washing your hair, you need to rinse and repeat. Join me on this beautifully imperfect healing journey as we heal body, mind, and soul together.
Adjust your spiritual tiara, and let's dive headfirst into this beautifully imperfect healing jouncy. Together, we’ll laugh, we’ll cry, and we might just accidentally enlighten ourselves. And remember, in this community, weird is not just welcomed; it's mandatory! And maybe, just maybe, along the way, we'll uncover some of the secrets of the universe too!