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  • 3 Steps
  • 4 Participants





Nowadays, it seems like everyone's manifesting something. Whether it's the perfect cup of coffee, a new job, or even a new car, you can't throw a rock without hitting someone who is actively manifesting—or thinking about manifesting—something these days. But what does manifesting really mean? In this course, we'll look at the basic principles of manifestation. We'll go over how to figure out what you want to manifest and what you need to do in order to start making real progress toward your goals. And we'll take a look at some more advanced concepts that could help you get more out of your practice. For example: What tools should you use? How can you hone your own intuition? And what happens when your manifestations don't work as planned? By the end of this course, you'll have an understanding of what manifestation is and how it can be used in your own life.

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