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Intolight© Medical Intuitive Certification Course

  • 81 Steps
  • 21 Participants
Get a certificate by completing the program.



Single Payment
3 Plans Available
From $187.00/month


This course will be the most extensive certification in the world, and it will teach you how to become trusted by patients and clients as a spiritual Intolight© practitioner. The Medical Intolight© certification program will help you become a trusted medical intuitive and give you the skills to support your clients by helping them heal their bodies, minds, and spirits. ** Live Classes will be held Thursdays 10 AM PST with replays being posted Tuesdays *** **Once you join you will have access to the previous sessions 16 weeks of recordings to begin your journey prior to the start of live classes. Here's a simplified list of the weekly classes based on the information you provided: **Week 1-4:** Foundations of Medical Intuition * Introduction to Medical Intuition * Foundational Concepts **Week 5-8:** Developing Intuitive Skills * Enhancing Sensory Awareness * Practical Intuition Development **Week 9:** Advanced Energy Anatomy & Spiritual Anatomy and Physiology * Chakras and Auras **Week 10:** Energy Anatomy & Spiritual Anatomy and Physiology * Spiritual Anatomy and Physiology **Week 11:** Energetic Imbalances * Identifying and Assessing Energetic Imbalances * Techniques for Energy Cleansing and Balancing **Week 12:** Introduction to Healing Modalities * Energetic Healing Modalities **Week 13-16:** Intuitive Diagnosis * Conducting a Medical Intuitive Health Assessment * Interpreting Intuitive Findings **Week 17-20:** Healing and Therapeutic Techniques * Energetic Healing Methods * Therapeutic Communication **Week 21-24:** Advanced Concepts and Skills * Advanced Diagnostic and Healing Techniques * Working with Specific Populations **Week 25-26:** Professional Practice * Setting Up a Medical Intuitive Practice * Certification and Course Conclusion **Self Guided 2024 Course Schedule- 25 weeks of self-guided training:** * Ethics and responsibilities * Working with Clients (Disclaimers/Disclosures/Insurance)

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Private Group

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

Intolight© Medical Intuitive Course Study Group

Intolight© Medical Intuitive Course Study Group

Private20 Members
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