Do you want to understand your spiritual gifts? With all of the different metaphysical systems out there, it can be really confusing to understand how they all fit together. Why is it that some people are intuitive and can see things while others are not? Some would say that the gods or angels have chosen those with specific gifts; I think it's much more simple than that. We are ALL gifted. All religions and belief systems hold this truth and would say that we each have a piece of God within us. My hope for this course is that you open your energy to understand what your gifts are, learn how to use them, find acceptance in your unique spiritual abilities, and spread that energy. Soul Guide is all about reconnecting you with your inner spiritual being and reaching a new level of awareness and understanding. When you know what your gifts are, you can use them to help others and make the world a better place. Everything is energy, and we all have the power to tap into the energy of others to read their thoughts, emotions, and intentions. When we understand how to interpret this energy, we’re also able to use our own energy in ways that positively impact those around us. We all have it. If we are living, breathing, human beings then we have spiritual energy. Whether you believe in religion or not, the spirit is a universal part of our existence. Understanding and developing your spiritual gifts will help you achieve a better understanding of yourself as well as others.
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